Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Harlem Renaissance free essay sample

Billie holiday was a great jazz singer. Strange Fruit was a good song. Billie Holiday once said, â€Å"If you copy it means you’re working without any real feeling† what she is saying that if you copy you have know feelings. Harlem Renaissance was a place to show people talent in the 1920’s. It started in the 1920’ s and ended 1930. It happened in Harlem, New York. The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement. Billie Holiday, W. E. B Dubois, Ella Fitzgerald, and Bessie Smith were all there and others. Meanwhile, the re-development and gentrification of midtown pushed many blacks out of the Metropolitan area. As a result, African-Americans began moving to Harlem between 1900 and 1920 the number of blacks in the New York City neighborhood doubled. By the time the planned subway system and roadways reached Harlem, many of the countrys best and brightest black advocates, artists, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals had situated themselves in Harlem. By the sass Armstrong was touring the country and leading his own band, the Hot Five (later the hot seven). He continued to tour and record throughout his life and was particularly famous for his innovative, loose-limbed improvisations; some call him the first great Jazz improviser. His gravelly voice and sunny persona were a hit with non-Jazz public, and later in his career he became sort of cheerful ambassador of Jazz, even appearing as himself (more or less) in movies like High Society (1 956, with his good friend Being Crosby and starlet Grace Kelly) Hello Dolly! 969, with Barbara Strained). The theme song of from the later film became his most widely-known recording. Contribution Louis Armstrong had on the Harlem Renaissance HIS growing popularity put him in contact with the cultural elites In New York which helped to bring Jazz downtown. This Influenced mainstream musicians and brought a unique e element to popular entertainment all over the country. Conclusion ultimately, Louis Armstrong made a big Impact on Harlem Renaissance and to Jazz. And he will continue to live on the human history and In the heart of musicians and he people.Louis Armstrong Is one of the most respected musicians In the history of jazz music. Culture which took a place in newly-formed Black community in neighborhood of direct political means, African-American artists, writers, and musicians employed culture to work for goals of civil rights and equality. Its lasting legacy is that for the first time (and across racial lines), African-American paintings, writings, and Jazz Negro Movement. Louis Armstrong Biography He was best known as the charismatic Jazz trumpeter who recorded Hello DaddySociety (1956, with his good friend Being Crosby and starlet Grace Kelly) Hello Dolly! His growing popularity put him in contact with the cultural elites in New York which helped to bring Jazz downtown. This influenced mainstream musicians and brought a Ultimately, Louis Armstrong made a big impact on Harlem Renaissance and to Jazz. And he will continue to live on the human history and in the heart of musicians and the people.

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